The Queensland P76 Owners

Somerset Dam Club Outing

July , 1999

Site for the Picnic ended up being on the foreshores of Somerset Dam (about 70 road klms) west of Brisbane, Queensland

We start the run from the Gails Shell Service station at 1000 with 6 cars.The club members drove west bypassing Ipswich on the Warego Highway, turning north going thru Esk. 5 Klms from Esk we turn east and travelled to Somerset village at the base of the Dam. The picnic site was another 5 klms on the edge of the Dam

The picnic site was beatuiful with open play area, water acticities and good amenities. We were entertained by the skiers and race boats.

Below are photos of the members cars and the club trailer at the Picnic area, please enjoy!!!!


Club trailer

Members cars

Members cars

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Produced by  Yowee Enterprises 2nd September, 1999