Queensland P76 Owners Club Inc. - Pre 2000

Yahoo chat channel for Rover V8

A message to the President of the Queensland P76 Club
----- Original Message -----
From: rwproverv8@hotmail.com
To: p76@austarnet.com.au
Sent: Sunday, March 18, 2001 11:25 PM
Subject: link me please
Hello Rover V8 enthusiast,
Did you know there is a special Rover V8 and Rover SD-1 chatgroup?
These groups are shortly founded by René Winters and give you all the information about the Rover V8 and the Rover SD-1.
Do you have any information or questions about Rover V8 and Rover SD-1 please ask me by mail:
Mail: Rover-V8@yahoogroups.com.
You want to go to the chatgroup:
Rover V8
Rover SD1
Have a lot of fun in being member of this group (free membership)
Look under FILES in the menu. ALL ROVER V8 ENGINENUMBERS (hot pictures………)
Any questions or problems to sign in mail to: Rwproverv8@hotmail.com
Greetings René Winters

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