The Queensland P76 Owners

All British Car Club Day

September, 1999

The Club was able to have a small continugent of cars for the "All-British Car Club Day". The expected number of 15 members was cut down to 5  members due to the bad weather which postponed from the previous weekend.

The venue was terriffic and the ammenties were very good. The suburd of Tennerson is located about 10Klms from Brisbane CBD , Queensland.

Our display of three Leyland P76 cars were compilemented by a members Leyland Marina panel van and another members Nash Metropoltian.

There was a quite a number of clubs represented, and even though we tryed hard to win the trophy for best club display the prize went to the Austin Club. Their display was very interesting showing the restoration of a Austin

Below are some of the photos of that day

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Produced by Yowee Enterprisers 13th September, 1999